Singularity Commands

Table of Contents

  1. Accessing container shell
  2. Running shell a command with Container image
  3. Running batch script with Container image
  4. External resources

Acessing container shell

To access the shell environment on your Singularity Image run the command:

singularity shell image_name.simg

This will start an interactive session with the container environment. You can run scripts while in the session as the same user.

You can make use of the interactive session capabilities of Spiedie to run your programs in this way. Click here for more information.

Running shell a command with Container image

You can execute commands as you would on a shell script using Singularity.

singularity exec image_name.simg shell_command

Singularity can be combined with SLURM seamlessly by issuing singularity commands with srun and sbatch. Click here for more information on running jobs.

Running batch script with Container image

You can also run scripts using the Singularity image, by running:

singularity run image_name.simg

External resources

For more advanced features of Singularity framework, consult the Singularity reference guide